Thursday, October 16, 2008

October 13-17

We had a busy week despite the holiday on Monday.  We are in the process of creating a class book using print-outs of digital pictures I've taken and words from the word wall.  That should be finished next week so be sure to check it out next time you're in our classroom!

We also worked on making different amounts of money with nickels and pennies.  We played a game using unifix cubes (groups of 5 for nickels and single cubes for pennies) and talked about how a nickel is like a group of 5 tally marks.  Most children seemed to find writing the N and P for the coins too abstract, and did better with the hands-on manipulatives.  Keep this in mind when helping your child with his/her Everyday Math homework that uses the N and P symbols often.  Please help your child explore and experiment with all kinds of change at home, too. 

We also learned more of the song "No Bones Within," reconstructed sentences about insects, then looked in books to draw a detailed insect and label its body parts: head, thorax, and abdomen.  These are a nice compliment to our murals about ants and the beautiful drawings/paintings of fall leaves that are decorating the classroom.

We did some amazing writing about the books we have read this week, too.  I'm very impressed with the growth I'm seeing and the class is doing a great job working in small groups.  

On Friday the class listened to some poems about fall leaves and pumpkins with Richie while practicing visualization: getting a picture in your head of what you read/listen to.  They also worked on "skip counting" by different amounts like 3s, 4s, etc.  

Please let me know if you have any questions about the web-based Everday Math Games or the Raz-Kids reading website.  Again, those are optional supplements to our curriculum.  At choice time the children who choose computer can use either of those two sites, Starfall, or Reader Rabbit 1st Grade.

I'll begin sending home graded/checked work and homework only on Fridays (thanks to Serenity's help filing and organizing them).  This should help avoid confusion about what papers need to be returned to school and what's homework.  Some work is just so exciting it can't wait until Friday to go home though.

Have a great weekend!

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