Thursday, August 20, 2009

Back to School!

We have been very busy these past few weeks of school. We have been learning each others' names, the classroom and school rules, and how to take care of each other and the materials in our room.

We are working on reading by ourselves using the pictures in the book, the words or letters we know, and our memory or imagination to fill in the story.

We are also working on reading and writing numbers, finding patterns in numbers, counting groups of objects accurately, and putting numbers in order.

Here are some of the tools in our classroom that we have been exploring:

We have used ThinkBlocks  to discuss what makes us happy and doesn't make us happy, what helps us learn and doesn't help us learn, and the parts of an apology (I'm sorry for ______.  Are you OK?).  We have also used them to retell the parts of a story and to represent the sounds we hear in words.
We have played math games with dice and counters to practice writing and counting numbers to 20.  These games have helped us learn about taking turns, communicating with and helping a partner.
We have been using magnetic letters and alphabet books to learn about the sounds letters make in each others' names and to make our own alphabet chart for the classroom.  We also learned a motion for each letter (more pictures and video of that coming soon).
 We have been learning how to speak in front of the class and how to listen to each other.
Enjoy this slideshow featuring more pictures from the past few weeks.  I will try to update this each week with more detailed information about what we have been learning.  Thank you for your patience!

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