This week we used the jigsaw technique in math to practice explaining problem solving strategies to each other. In a "jigsaw," each table of 4 students become "experts" in one kind of problem. The tables then disperse into 4 new groups, with one expert from each kind of problem. Each expert takes a turn explaining their problem to the rest of the group and then checks their work. We have primarily used this on our "math box" pages as they provide both a review of skills previously taught, and a challenge/extension of those concepts. I copied page 174 from students' math journals for homework on Friday so you can see a math box page yourselves. On Friday morning, students took turns recording their problem solving strategies for this page on a new Voicethread:
We also reviewed polygons and lines of symmetry this week. Students continued playing Race to 100 with base ten blocks (regrouping ones into tens and tens into hundreds as they roll) and we added a recording sheet to keep track of their running totals. You can continue your child's study of place value with these online games.
We have been talking a lot about how to be a good friend to everyone at school and not leaving people out, especially on the playground. The class brainstormed several situations when people can feel left out (having exclusive membership clubs, saying someone can't join a game, etc), how that makes them feel (see list pictured here), and what to do when that happens: tell the people that it's not OK to do that, get help from a teacher or friend and think of a solution together. This is an extension of the Second Step violence prevention curriculum our district has adopted. We are in the process of developing skits around four common scenarios. The class had a lot of fun role-playing the negative examples, but it has been a little harder to practice how to handle those situations. Next week I will send home more details about the skits and who is performing in each so you can discuss them with your child over the April break (4/13 - 4/17). We plan to perform the skits for the other classes in the Annex later this month and I will post videos of them on here, too!
On Thursday we saw the fourth and fifth grade chorus concert at the main school. Afterwards, we got to enjoy the sunshine on the big school playground for awhile. As the weather continues to improve we will occasionally play some field games outside or go to the big school playground in lieu of having choice time in the afternoon.
This week in writing we introduced a personalized spelling word list for each students' folder. This is modeled after a tool used in second grade called a "Have-a-go" in which students "have a go" at trying to spell unfamiliar words a few times before looking up and writing down the correct spelling. They can then see how close their attempts to spell it on their own were, and reference that list in future writing activities. Our list will only have 1 invented spelling attempt and we will only use it for up to 3 words each day we do writing/editing, so we can focus on the few words we are learning to spell and so we don't spend all of our time checking spelling.
In reading we began using an inflatable "re-telling cube" to assist in comprehension. The cube has a prompt on each side: setting, characters, problem, solution, events, and favorite part. We also began writing down our predictions on sticky notes and sharing with a partner whether they came true (or partially true). In our rotation of reading activities we listened to new books on tape or stories read by actors on storylineonline and we also introduced a word wall dice game where you roll a die to determine which of six word wall activities you complete focused on the 5 words of the week: find the words of the week in books, make a mini-book using them, make them out of clay, rainbow write/paint them, make a list of rhyming words, or write them in sentences with a flap covering the 5 words.
Current word wall words: best, talk, think, nice, him. See the latest word wall list in the Friday hand-outs. Next Wednesday we will begin to study: as, knock, off, pull, zip. You can use this site to make word search or letter scramble activities to review any words with your child!
In reading we began using an inflatable "re-telling cube" to assist in comprehension. The cube has a prompt on each side: setting, characters, problem, solution, events, and favorite part. We also began writing down our predictions on sticky notes and sharing with a partner whether they came true (or partially true). In our rotation of reading activities we listened to new books on tape or stories read by actors on storylineonline and we also introduced a word wall dice game where you roll a die to determine which of six word wall activities you complete focused on the 5 words of the week: find the words of the week in books, make a mini-book using them, make them out of clay, rainbow write/paint them, make a list of rhyming words, or write them in sentences with a flap covering the 5 words.
Current word wall words: best, talk, think, nice, him. See the latest word wall list in the Friday hand-outs. Next Wednesday we will begin to study: as, knock, off, pull, zip. You can use this site to make word search or letter scramble activities to review any words with your child!
Check out this family event at the Johnson Museum of Art this Saturday, 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
Come enjoy a vibrant collection of original songs and skits about animals, the environment, food, and books with Tom Knight Puppets. The performance begins at 10:00 a.m. with artmaking to follow at 11:00 a.m. Fee: Free for Museum Members/$5 per family for nonmembers. Seating is limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis.
Come enjoy a vibrant collection of original songs and skits about animals, the environment, food, and books with Tom Knight Puppets. The performance begins at 10:00 a.m. with artmaking to follow at 11:00 a.m. Fee: Free for Museum Members/$5 per family for nonmembers. Seating is limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis.
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